Tuesday, December 28, 2010

new address!

Hello all!!
 We have our new address for the next two years!! And for those of you who have asked about what to send we will always welcome things like granola, organic dried fruit, and nuts!! :D but, we also look forward to letters! Or any source of news - newsweek, time, the economist, national geographic, major newspapers (would be awesome! - says jos) :) I am also a fan of real simple, just a thought :)
Just a reminder that we have to pay on this end for whatever the value says on the packages. So please be conservative with the estimates... Wink wink ;)
Love to all!!!

Here's the address:
Corps de la Paix 
BP 144
Dosso, Niger

Surprise!! it's a mini blog within a blog!!  :)  (it's called having limited access to internet) haha
We passed our final language exams and will officially be able to swear-in as volunteers on the 30th!!  So excited! :)  (just for the record Jos rocked his LPI and got to "intermediate high" and i made it in with "intermediate mid") :D

Life is grand!!
Missing you all bunches and we hope you are having a relaxing and fulfilling holiday season... take cares!

1 comment:

  1. Tessa! I LOVED reading all of these blog posts! Your adventures are so entertaining and you have awesome storytelling skills (and so does your husband, whom I'd LOVE to meet someday!). I will be mailing a care package to your new address! Hopefully it doesn't take more than a month to get there :) LOVE YOU! Jacquelyn
