So we (well, Ash) gave you a lesson in Hausa from Niger, so now we put together a story (ish) in Romanian for all of you to enjoy :)
Noi am ajuns de două săptămîină. Mai înîi noi am conoscut familia noastra gazde. Eu (Ash) locuiesc în Budeşti. În familia mea eu am un tată, o mamă, şi doi fraţi. Pe mama mea gazda o cheamă Angela. Pe tatal meu gazda îl cheamă Valeriu şi fraţii mei gazdă se numesc Adrian şi Engen. Ei au 12 ani şi 13 ani. Îmi place familia mea gazda. Ei sînt drăguţi, prietenoşi, şi ospitalieri.
Familia gazda de Joseph are o soră, un frate, şi o mamă. Mama gazdă a lui se numeşte Raisa. Fratele gazda a lui se numeşte Ion, şi pe sora gazda a lui o cheamă Elena. El locuieşte în Ciorescu. Casa lui e foarte departe de şcoală.
În fiecare săptămîină noi mergem la Chişinău pentru sesiuni cu toţi voluntarii. În fiecare weekend (yes, Moldovans say weekend..) noi vizităm unul pe celălalt. Apoi noi sîntem fericiţi.
Amîndoi avem gradine şi amindoi locuim pe dealuri mari. În gradinele noastre cresc roşii, castraveţi, arei (dulce şi iuţi), ceapă, cartofi, morcovi, sfeclă, mărar, vănată, bostunel, zmeură, cireşe, vişine, capsune, caise, mere, pere, şi floari.
Familia gazda mea are iepuri, gaini şi o pisica. Familia gazda de Joseph are un câine şi un motan.
Noi am învaţat limba româna mult dar noi vrem să exersăm mult. Noi am cumpărat îngheţata în Chişinău dupa sesiunele. Noi trebuie să cumparem umbrele în piaţa. Săptămîină viitoara vom descoperi unde vom locui. Noi sîntem emoţionaţi şi nervoşi.
Tocmai noi am cules cireşe în ploaie şi vînt, a fost frig. Cireşele sînt foarte gustoase. Chiar acum mam mea gazda prepare pizza! Pizza va fi foarte foarte delicioasă....
Whew!! Bravo if anyone made it all the way through, you are rewarded below with a translation and you'll see how we really didn't say anything groundbreaking, but it was fun! Life is crazy busy but we're both feeling as though we're starting to get a tad better grasp on the language and really enjoy both our fellow volunteers, and our host families. We'll write more soon!
We arrived 2 weeks ago. First we met our host families. I (Ash) live in Budeşti. My host family has a mom, dad, and two brothers. My host mom's name is Angela. My host dad's name is Valeriu and my host brothers are Adrian and Engen. They are 12 and 13 years old. I like my host family. They are nice, friendly, and hospitable.
Joseph's host family has a mom, sister, and brother. His host mom's name is Raisa. His host sister's name is Elena and his host brother's name is Ion. He lives in Ciorescu and his house is far from the school.
Every week we go to Chişinău for sessions with all the volunteers. Every weekend we go to see each other. Then we feel happy.
We both have a garden and live on top of big hills. In our gardens grow tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers (sweet and spicy), onions, potatoes, carrots, beets, dill, eggplant, squash, raspberries, cherries, sour cherries, apples, pears, and flowers.
My family has rabbits, chickens (we eat both....), and a female cat, and Joseph's family has a dog and a male cat.
We learned a lot of Romanian but want to practice a lot. We bought ice cream in Chişinău after the sessions. We need to buy an umbrella in the market. Next week we're going to discover where we'll live. We're excited and nervous.
We just picked cherries in the rain and wind, it was cold. The cherries are very tasty. Right now, my host mom is making pizza. The pizza will be very very tasty!!
Noi am ajuns de două săptămîină. Mai înîi noi am conoscut familia noastra gazde. Eu (Ash) locuiesc în Budeşti. În familia mea eu am un tată, o mamă, şi doi fraţi. Pe mama mea gazda o cheamă Angela. Pe tatal meu gazda îl cheamă Valeriu şi fraţii mei gazdă se numesc Adrian şi Engen. Ei au 12 ani şi 13 ani. Îmi place familia mea gazda. Ei sînt drăguţi, prietenoşi, şi ospitalieri.
Familia gazda de Joseph are o soră, un frate, şi o mamă. Mama gazdă a lui se numeşte Raisa. Fratele gazda a lui se numeşte Ion, şi pe sora gazda a lui o cheamă Elena. El locuieşte în Ciorescu. Casa lui e foarte departe de şcoală.
În fiecare săptămîină noi mergem la Chişinău pentru sesiuni cu toţi voluntarii. În fiecare weekend (yes, Moldovans say weekend..) noi vizităm unul pe celălalt. Apoi noi sîntem fericiţi.
Amîndoi avem gradine şi amindoi locuim pe dealuri mari. În gradinele noastre cresc roşii, castraveţi, arei (dulce şi iuţi), ceapă, cartofi, morcovi, sfeclă, mărar, vănată, bostunel, zmeură, cireşe, vişine, capsune, caise, mere, pere, şi floari.
Familia gazda mea are iepuri, gaini şi o pisica. Familia gazda de Joseph are un câine şi un motan.
Noi am învaţat limba româna mult dar noi vrem să exersăm mult. Noi am cumpărat îngheţata în Chişinău dupa sesiunele. Noi trebuie să cumparem umbrele în piaţa. Săptămîină viitoara vom descoperi unde vom locui. Noi sîntem emoţionaţi şi nervoşi.
Tocmai noi am cules cireşe în ploaie şi vînt, a fost frig. Cireşele sînt foarte gustoase. Chiar acum mam mea gazda prepare pizza! Pizza va fi foarte foarte delicioasă....
Whew!! Bravo if anyone made it all the way through, you are rewarded below with a translation and you'll see how we really didn't say anything groundbreaking, but it was fun! Life is crazy busy but we're both feeling as though we're starting to get a tad better grasp on the language and really enjoy both our fellow volunteers, and our host families. We'll write more soon!
We arrived 2 weeks ago. First we met our host families. I (Ash) live in Budeşti. My host family has a mom, dad, and two brothers. My host mom's name is Angela. My host dad's name is Valeriu and my host brothers are Adrian and Engen. They are 12 and 13 years old. I like my host family. They are nice, friendly, and hospitable.
Joseph's host family has a mom, sister, and brother. His host mom's name is Raisa. His host sister's name is Elena and his host brother's name is Ion. He lives in Ciorescu and his house is far from the school.
Every week we go to Chişinău for sessions with all the volunteers. Every weekend we go to see each other. Then we feel happy.
We both have a garden and live on top of big hills. In our gardens grow tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers (sweet and spicy), onions, potatoes, carrots, beets, dill, eggplant, squash, raspberries, cherries, sour cherries, apples, pears, and flowers.
My family has rabbits, chickens (we eat both....), and a female cat, and Joseph's family has a dog and a male cat.
We learned a lot of Romanian but want to practice a lot. We bought ice cream in Chişinău after the sessions. We need to buy an umbrella in the market. Next week we're going to discover where we'll live. We're excited and nervous.
We just picked cherries in the rain and wind, it was cold. The cherries are very tasty. Right now, my host mom is making pizza. The pizza will be very very tasty!!